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Oracle iLearning

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Oracle is now offering online courses as an extension of the Oracle University programm.

Oracle BLAF - UI Guide Lines

This is where Oracle has laid down their internal guide lines for Browser Look And Feel "BLAF". It is available for public use but dictates how all UI components which are WEB based are designed at Oracle.

Back from the DOAG

The DOAG-Conference is a must in the eyes of the DOAG ev.
Well I'm not totally convinced!
As the major Oracle conference event of the year I would have expected a much higher level of quality in the presentations. As it turned out most presentations I went to see were at best mediocre. But that doesn't mean to say there was nothing new to learn. There are some really great features coming up in Release 10g. There are also some pretty neat features in 9i which I was not aware of but intend to take a look at.
All in all I'm glad I went even if I experienced some disappointments.

Off to DOAG

I'm off to Mannheim in about an hour. The Deutsche Oracle Anwender Gruppe is holding its annual conference there. There should be lots to learn about Oracle 10g and plenty of Oracle professionals to meet and chat with.